Πέμπτη 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2012




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Anti-austerity protestors on the streets of Athens
Tuesday February 14,20
IT IS understandable if you reacted to the pictures of rioting Greeks with a shrug of the shoulders and the thought: “Serves them right.”
For decades the Greeks have spent far more than they earned, dodged their taxes and been endemically corrupt. Now that the game is up they have the gall to demand we bail them out.

So it’s completely appropriate to think they have brought their downfall on themselves. There is, however, more to the story than that.

Greece is far from being the only such country on the planet. Britain too has lived beyond its means and we are now paying our own price for that folly. But there are two big differences with what is happening in Greece.

Unpopular as our own cuts will be they are our cuts. And we elected our Government and we can remove it.

We are not as is now the Greeks’ fate governed by a foreign power. And crucially we are not members of the euro so our exchange rate adjusts to reflect our economic situation.

ìDemocracy in Greece has effectively been suspended, replaced with instructions from Brussels.î

Instead of exacerbating our economic problems it eases them. The burden of our previous profligacy is not born solely through savage cuts.

Greece, however, has no other tools with which to deal with its bankruptcy. As a member of the euro its currency reflects German rather than Greek needs. Instead of its exchange rate depreciating to make its exports more competitive Greece has to stick with the same overvaluation that it had when it first entered the euro.

So whatever else happens, until Greece is freed from the shackles of the euro its situation will only deteriorate. But it’s not just the Greeks who should be worried. It will happen next in Italy.


Then in Spain, in Portugal and perhaps in France and elsewhere. All are in economic trouble, made much worse by their euro membership.

When the Greek crisis eventually reaches its climax the markets will turn on one of the other troubled euro members. Riots in Athens will be the least of it.

There is a straightforward logic to all of this: inherent in the principle of the euro is the idea that a nation’s own people no longer have control of their destiny. That is profoundly undemocratic.

Whether Greece was in the euro or not economic reality means its government would have to make cuts.

However the critical factor that makes Greece so explosive – and will be repeated elsewhere – is that it is not  Greeks themselves realising this. No Greek politician has won an election on such a platform. No Greek minister has ever been given a democratic mandate for any of this.

The former Greek prime minister George Papandreou attempted just that when he proposed a referendum on the cuts package last November.

The reaction of the powers-that-be in Brussels was to have him removed immediately, to be replaced with technocrat Lucas Papademos who would do Brussels’ bidding. Yes it is Greek politicians who are planning how the new economic policy will take effect but they are acting under direct orders from Brussels.

Democracy in Greece has effectively been suspended, replaced with instructions from Brussels. No wonder the Greeks are rioting. Their country is now to all intents and purposes being ruled by Brussels.

Remember this is not about whether or not the Greeks need to reform their economy and to transform the way they live – clearly they do. But you do not achieve such reforms through a foreign takeover.

In any proud nation that produces the opposite effect as we can see this week in Greece. The Greek people have risen up to protest at changes being imposed by alien rule.

The Italians have already had their democracy suspended with Prime Minister Mario Monti (until recently European Commissioner) imposed to act as Brussels’ plenipotentiary.

So when the euro circus moves on to Italy similar protests are unavoidable. None of this should come as a surprise as it was a key plank of the opposition to our membership.

Opponents argued that the inability to adjust the exchange rate and the impotency of British politicians would lead to violent protest against foreign rule.

We know from history that it is at such times that demagogues and extremists are at their most seductive. When the political class of a country are united in support of an unpopular policy people feel they have nowhere else to turn.

How ironic that it was Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel who last year said: “Another half century of peace and prosperity in Europe is not to be taken for granted. If the euro fails Europe fails… None of us can foresee what the consequences would be if we were to fail.”

She was right but had it the wrong way round entirely. The opposite is true. It is the attempt to keep the euro together that is leading to the scenes we now see in Athens. That attempt will next inflame Rome, Madrid and Lisbon.

It is possible that the consequences of euro membership will go beyond rioting. Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, even France all have different but relatively recent democratic histories. Coups and revolutions are in their national DNA.

The longer that Brussels maintains its euro rule the shakier is the grip of demo
cratic rule.

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